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Tell President Paul Biya this hard Facts cum Truth

Tell President Paul Biya this hard facts cum truth

 The state is a conglomeration of people from all the ethnic groups and sociological and anthropological variations that have come together for the purpose of governance.
State symbols like the flag, anthem,Seal and coat of arms stand as a representative of the people and not vice versa. If there are no people there won't be any state. 

A flag is a worthless piece of cloth that only has meaning when it stands for inclusiveness and   equitable governance. Governance that protects every facet of its society and makes provision for justice for all.  
 It's is just natural to create a special status for  the Anglophones because they a distinct people with a distinct educational, judicial and Administrative/ political setup so distinct and dissimilar to that of francophones. 

The state must show its willingness to dialogue by showcasing frankness. honesty and sincerity manifested through the actualization of the eight points that were handled during the last Ad hoc  committee conclave.
The State should dismantle the military build up or outrightly demilitarize the entire erstwhile Southern Cameroon's.
The state must show respect for and of laws enacted that calls to order soldiers and all armed men and women and  other states security Corp from abusive use and especially against the killing of unarmed citizens during riots and demonstrations. These laws  are there and defaulters should be brought to books.

Peace is not maintained by force nor draconian principle.
Machiavelli's principle of the strong crushing and suffocating the weak is an out modeled and outdated political approach. Today it's about good governance, reciprocity,excellent socioeconomic infrastructure. Meeting the needs and aspiration of the governed is the sum total of good governance.

 Cease referring to erstwhile Southern Cameroonian as Biafra,Bamenda etc.
The state must ensure that development is balanced and equitable.

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