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Crossing The Line? T.I. Shares Controversial Video Joking About Men Keeping Their Hands To Themselves Amid Hollywood’s Sexual Harassment Drama

Crossing The Line? T.I. Shares Controversial Video Joking About Men Keeping Their Hands To Themselves Amid Hollywood’s Sexual Harassment Drama

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Today, rapper T.I. took to social media to share with his many followers a video joke amid all of the sexual harassment scandals that have shaken Hollywood as of late. The problem is, the said vid came across as quite tasteless considering the topic at hand.
The 37-year-old man posted a clip about how ‘every male celebrity’ would have to act when meeting a female for the first time in 2018.
‘Hello, ma’am nice to meet you…. from over there though dear, good day. #ToThineOwnHandsBeKept lol’ T.I. captioned the video, adding a winking emoji.
You can check it out here and tell us what you think about it!

The clip may be pretty funny at first glance, but if you really think about the message, it’s  quite a problematic point of view.
It makes it sound like from now on, a man shouldn’t touch a woman in any way as it will automatically lead to her accusing the said man of sexual harassment regardless if that was the case or not.
It disregards the stories of many victims of sexual violence of any kind and mocks them, making it seem like they, in fact, may have just as well overreacted and exaggerated things like simple hugs.
The moral is to stay away from any physical contact with females, or you’ll be in trouble, right?
Better safe than sorry? What a joke!
Despite the fact that most of his fans are all for his message, we also have to stress that, at the end of the day, all he did was make a joke about sexual harassment instead of using his huge platform to bring awareness to it or help in any other way.
Do you think the joke was funny or did T.I. go too far this time?

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