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Nivo Ti! At it again!! : #The_Anglophone_Struggle

Looking at the southern cameroon's struggle,  we've come up with this inspiring interview with our young talented artist Nivo Ti who touched our hearts  right in the mourning days of strike  with his single MARGILISED in support of the anglophone problem. Here we go!                                                                                                                                                
Ken Updates :  How did you started with your singing career?

Nivo TI: I have been singing since years now. I started writing my own songs in secondary school
Mostly I wrote gospel songs when I grew up I sang suprano and sometimes tenor Sometimes I did lead singing. My vocal chord was even softer then.

Ken Updates : What are the challenges you face when u started writing ur on songs and for how long have you in this music carrier?

Nivo Ti: Well, I only had the question of which brand I was going to base on also had the challenge of choosing between gospel and secular music. I've been into music for about 10 years now. My first official release was titled "OUBLIÉ", A video tribute to victims of the Eseka train crash.

Ken updates:How many sounds have u recorded?


KenUpdates : Now talking about the marginalisation of southern Cameroon which advice can you give out there?  

 Nivo Ti:   Well, the first and best strategy I would suggest is UNITY. Unity is strength and a battle can't be won if we fight among ourselves. Therefore every stakeholder has a role to play from senior citizens and political leaders to the okada riders who have played a great role.Also we have to make the struggle non-partisan and non-ethnic as possible to avoid differences. Determination is the key to success. We have a common enemy and a common goal..Unity is our biggest asset.

Ken Updates : Ok so how do u cooperate with kmer artists?

Nivo Ti: Well, still to.. But I don't want to make a name through a collaboration..
I don't want to light my candle from someone's own.. what if his light is not a clean one??
I am heading to an unstoppable edge..

Ken Updates :Good! As an artist will u encourage youths with a great talent like yours to give in into music?

Nivo Ti: Art is not only about a talent. It's about how a youth intends to transmit this talent into a visible art and make a life of his own from trending reality through whatever he does.. therefore it goes beyond just passion and is more of focus and perceptive strategising

Ken Updates : How is ur relationship with girls? I mean the way girls approach you.

Nivo Ti: My relationship with girls is more or less the same with my relationship with boys..
I regard every human being with maximum respect in as much as respect is also reciprocal.

Twas an interesting interview! Nice hearing from you Nivo Ti!!

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