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Breaking news: Statement of Acceptance


Following the recent tragic arrest of our legitimate consortium leaders, Dr. Barrister Agbor Balla and Dr. Fontem Neba by the French Cameroun forces, Mark Bara and Tapang Ivo jointly accept the backup contingency plan by the consortium to appoint us them as interim leaders who will coordinate the actions for the winning West Cameroon struggle.

In this regard, we are tasked with the following:

1. To ensure the most effective month-long ghost town from Jan 23rd to Feb 23rd, 2017, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the entire West Cameroon.

2. To ensure the strict respect of peace in all our actions as we fight to promote democratic accountability, the rule of law, and good governance among the peaceful people of West Cameroon under colonial pressure from the brutal and barbaric regime of President Paul Biya.

3. To propose, coordinate, endorse, and implement any other strategy meant to attain the goals of the legitimate consortium.

We call on the public to give us the leadership trust and remain strong for the big win. We must remain united. We succeeded to UNITE West Cameroon this week. It must remain so.

*** Approved and endorsed by Mark Bara and Tapang Ivo Tanku, this day January 17, 2017.

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